Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Express Yourself with Vellum Verses and Embellishments...

Class time is 2:00 PM to 3 PM
Class cost is $15 and includes box of CM frosted photo splits-that disappear on vellum.
(Photos splits retail for $6.00/box)

Spring inspires fresh and colorful ways to express yourself in memory celebration.
Ten timeless verses printed on vellum and matched to spring perfect pastel color mats. They are perfect for any memory. For use in your album, or on a card-

Save 20% on all Pre-orders through my website. www.mycmsite.com/kcompton

Click on "How to purchase"
Enter "Kris Compton" as host...
Click on the date of my class during the weekend scrap...May 31st....

Order what products you want....on Address 2 line put code of MAYDSW during check out.... fill out info, I'll email you with your total that I will be placing on your credit card....-including savings -but order by May 18th and I'll deliver at the retreat.

Sale special will be 30% off all retiring paper, albums and album kits
(limited to stock on hand)
Plus 15% off all other products purchased or ordered during the weekend.